Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My What a Big Hammer You Have: Week of May 1 Major Video Game Releases

Wonder if he will appear shirtless as often in the video game as he does in film trailer?
Hard to believe, but the summer movie season kicks off Friday with the release of "Thor." Natch, the summer blockbuster video game tie-in season begins as well with Sega's release of "Thor: God of Thunder." It's available for just about every platform (Sorry, PSP gamers; should have bought a DS or 3DS). The game is rated Teen for violence and animated blood.

In the game, players wield Thor's mighty hammer, Mjorlnir, in an effort to save Asgard. Chris Helmsworth and Tom Hiddleson (the film's Thor and his nemesis Loki, respectively) voice their video game counterparts.

Comic book fans' hopes are riding high on this one. I'm expecting them to be dashed, though. Sega doesn't have the best track record ("Iron Man 2" was a bit rusty in my opinion).

Also streeting this week
The third installment of the popular PS3 racing game, "MotorSport: Apocalypse" finally zooms into stores (the  game, which takes place after a natural disaster, was delayed elsewhere because of the Japanese earthquake). Look for my review later in the week.

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